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Are Google and Meta Heading for a Stock Price Slump?

Are Google and Meta Heading for a Stock Price Slump?
July 23, 2024

As an investor, it’s crucial to keep a keen eye on market trends and potential shifts that could impact major players. Today, I want to discuss two tech giants that have long been darlings of Wall Street: Google and Meta. While they’ve enjoyed impressive growth and dominance in their respective fields, there are signs that their stock prices might face some headwinds in the near future.

The Advertising Revenue Conundrum

Both Google and Meta have built their empires on advertising revenue. Google, as the world’s largest search engine, and Meta, with its social media platforms Facebook and Instagram, have been go-to choices for companies looking to reach vast audiences. However, this reliance on ad spending could become their Achilles’ heel in a changing economic landscape.

Consumer Spending Slowdown

As we navigate through 2024, we’re seeing clear indications of a consumer spending slowdown, particularly in discretionary categories. With inflation persisting and wage growth stagnating, consumers are tightening their belts and focusing more on essentials. This shift has a domino effect: as people spend less on non-essential items, companies in those sectors reduce their advertising budgets.

Big Spenders and Potential Risks

It’s worth noting who the big ad spenders are for these tech giants. For Meta, surprisingly, the Chinese e-commerce platform Temu took the crown in 2023, spending a whopping $2 billion on Facebook and Instagram ads. On Google’s side, Apple was the top display advertiser, shelling out an estimated $775 million in 2023, with a significant portion going to YouTube ads.

While these numbers are impressive, they also highlight a potential vulnerability. If major advertisers like these decide to pull back on spending due to economic pressures or changing strategies, it could significantly impact Google and Meta’s bottom lines.

The Competitive Landscape

Adding to the potential pressure, both companies are facing increased competition. Google is seeing challengers like Perplexity.AI emerge in the search space, while Meta’s Instagram is battling for user attention against TikTok. As these competitors gain ground, they may start to eat into the advertising market share that Google and Meta have long dominated.

What This Means for Investors

As we approach the latter half of 2024, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on the earnings reports and guidance from Google and Meta. Wall Street places significant weight on earnings per share and revenue growth projections. If these tech giants start to show signs of weakening ad revenue or provide cautious guidance, it could trigger a reevaluation of their stock prices.


While Google and Meta remain powerful forces in the tech world, their heavy dependence on advertising revenue tied to consumer spending patterns makes them potentially vulnerable in the current economic climate. As savvy investors, we need to be prepared for the possibility of stock price volatility if these companies start to feel the pinch of reduced ad spending.

Remember, this analysis is based on current trends and projections. Always do your own research and consider your personal financial situation before making investment decisions. The market can be unpredictable, and what looks like a potential downturn could always surprise us with unforeseen resilience or new opportunities.

Stay informed, stay diversified, and happy investing!

Live Loud!
Trent Grinkmeyer
Best of US Investors

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