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The Democratization of Compute

The Democratization of Compute
July 23, 2024

A Paradigm Shift in Business and Investment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably transformative, poised to revolutionize the world as we know it. But to truly stay ahead of the curve, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of the “democratization of compute.” This concept promises to level the playing field, allowing businesses of all sizes to harness the same capabilities once reserved for tech giants. Here’s a closer look at what this means and how it could impact both business operations and investment strategies.

The Powerhouses of Compute

In the realm of digital and AI-driven compute, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon have built empires. Together, these giants generate staggering revenues:
• Apple: $383 billion
• Google: $318 billion
• Microsoft: $236 billion
• Meta: $145 billion
• Amazon: $590 billion
Collectively, these companies pull in $1.67 trillion annually, showcasing the immense power and profitability of advanced compute capabilities.

Amazon: A Model for Future Businesses

Amazon exemplifies how advanced compute can transform business operations. When you visit Amazon’s website as a regular customer, you’re greeted with a personalized experience. The site remembers your previous searches, suggests items based on your past purchases, and even anticipates your future needs. This level of customization is made possible by Amazon’s sophisticated data management and AI systems.
Imagine having this kind of tailored interaction for your own business. Until recently, such capabilities were beyond reach for small and medium enterprises. However, this is changing rapidly.

The AI Factory: Empowering Every Business

Thanks to innovators like Jensen Huang and Michael Dell, the concept of an AI Factory is becoming a reality. An AI Factory allows businesses to create their own data sources and manage their operations with the same precision and personalization as Amazon. This means that even small businesses will soon be able to offer personalized experiences, recognize returning customers, and respond to their specific needs in real-time.

The Next Step: Personalized Assistants

The future of business interactions is moving towards even greater personalization. Imagine a website where, upon visiting, you’re greeted by a virtual assistant—an avatar tailored to your preferences. This assistant can understand your spoken requests, provide product recommendations, and guide you through your shopping experience seamlessly.
Amazon is already moving in this direction, and the technology to replicate this for other businesses is just around the corner. This shift will not only enhance customer satisfaction but also drive higher engagement and sales.

The Investor’s Perspective:

Opportunities and Shifts
For investors, understanding the democratization of compute is crucial. Identifying the companies developing these AI capabilities can present lucrative opportunities. The firms creating the technology for personalized avatars, the AI machines for small businesses, and the software enabling these advanced interactions are set to lead the next wave of growth.

Moreover, this democratization will likely shift the advertising landscape. As businesses gain the ability to directly connect with their customers through personalized interactions, the reliance on traditional advertising mediums like TV, Google AdWords, and Meta ads might diminish. This could lead to a significant power shift in the advertising industry, emphasizing the importance of direct customer engagement over broad-spectrum advertising.
Real-World Applications
Consider a scenario where your favorite restaurant knows your preferred dishes, your anniversary, and other personal details. They can send you personalized invites, suggest new menu items based on your past orders, and even remember your favorite wine. Similarly, a car dealership could remind you when your lease is up and suggest new models based on your previous preferences.

My company, Best of Us Investors, will strive to identify its TAM (Total Addressable Market) by gathering email addresses through social media channels like YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as organic platforms such as Google, Yahoo Finance, and Bing. This will give us the ability to speak directly to our potential subscribers, eliminating any dependence on conventional or digital media.

These examples illustrate how the democratization of compute can enhance customer loyalty and streamline business operations, ultimately driving higher consumer awareness and corporate profitability.


Embracing the Future
The democratization of compute is set to transform the business landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for personalization and efficiency. Whether you’re a business owner looking to stay competitive or an investor seeking the next big opportunity, understanding this shift is crucial.

Investing in companies at the forefront of this technological revolution can be highly profitable. As small and medium businesses adopt these advanced capabilities, the potential for growth and innovation is immense. Stay informed, stay ahead, and embrace the future of compute.
For those interested in exploring these opportunities further, consider visiting Best of Us Investors ( and subscribing for insights into the companies driving these transformative changes. The democratization of compute is not just a concept—it’s the future, and it’s here to stay.

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