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Challenging the Optimism: Why a Soft Landing in 2023 Might Be Wishful Thinking

Challenging the Optimism: Why a Soft Landing in 2023 Might Be Wishful Thinking
September 18, 2023

In the world of economics, the notion of a “soft landing” has often been treated as a holy grail – an ideal scenario where inflation is tamed, and the economy continues to grow without the dark cloud of recession looming overhead. However, while the majority seems to be banking on a soft landing in 2023, a contrarian perspective might suggest that such optimism is misguided and overly reliant on hope rather than a realistic assessment of the challenges ahead.

In the world of economics, the notion of a “soft landing” has often been treated as a holy grail – an ideal scenario where inflation is tamed, and the economy continues to grow without the dark cloud of recession looming overhead. However, while the majority seems to be banking on a soft landing in 2023, a contrarian perspective might suggest that such optimism is misguided and overly reliant on hope rather than a realistic assessment of the challenges ahead.

The Rarity of Soft Landings

Before delving into the potential pitfalls of achieving a soft landing in 2023, it’s worth noting that these economic events are exceptionally rare. In the post-World War II era, the United States has experienced just one bona fide soft landing, which occurred in 1995. Alan Blinder, an economist who was Fed vice chair during that period, acknowledged that a combination of expert economic management and a fair dose of luck contributed to this success.

The Four Threats to a Soft Landing

As we scrutinize the current economic landscape, it becomes evident that there are four looming threats that could easily dash the Fed’s dreams of a soft landing.

1. The Fed Stays Too Tight: If the Federal Reserve maintains high-interest rates for an extended period, it risks throttling economic growth and triggering a harsh downturn. The 1995 soft landing was only possible because the Fed swiftly shifted course, cutting rates to mitigate the damage caused by their earlier aggressive hikes. Today, the Fed faces the tricky task of cooling inflation while avoiding an economic freeze.

2. The Economy Stays Too Hot: Signs of resurgent consumer spending and robust business activity might compel the Fed to believe that inflation is still a lurking threat. This could lead them to raise rates even higher, risking a premature end to any soft landing hopes.

3. Energy Prices Take Off: The surge in oil prices, often seen as a harbinger of inflation, threatens to undermine economic stability. As the cost of transportation fuels rises, it could inflate prices across the board, jeopardizing the very idea of a soft landing.

4. A Financial Market Mishap: A sudden market disruption or geopolitical crisis could easily derail the best-laid plans. With the global financial landscape as precarious as ever, unforeseen events may put enormous strain on an economy that’s already walking a tightrope.

The Contrarian’s Perspective

Given these potential pitfalls, it’s reasonable to challenge the prevailing optimism about a soft landing in 2023. While the Federal Reserve may have a history of navigating economic challenges, it’s essential to remember that the current circumstances are exceptionally complex. Achieving a soft landing, especially in the face of high inflation and global economic volatility, is not guaranteed.

As contrarians might suggest, the Fed could indeed temporarily achieve a soft landing, but maintaining it over the long term seems fraught with uncertainty. The moment the economy operates with little or no slack, any factor that boosts demand could rekindle inflation, while any downturn in demand could spiral into rising unemployment, an issue that’s notoriously challenging to reverse.


The contrarian perspective offers a dose of skepticism in the face of widespread optimism regarding a soft landing in 2023. While many may be eager to embrace the idea of economic stability, it’s crucial to acknowledge that soft landings are rare precisely because they are challenging to achieve. As the Federal Reserve charts its course, it’s worth considering that the path ahead may not be as smooth as some would hope, and the economic turbulence might prove more turbulent than expected.

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