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Kerry’s Trades

Best of US Investors

SkyWater Technology: A Rising Star in the Semiconductor Industry

SkyWater Technology: A Rising Star in the Semiconductor Industry $8.25 to $25.00  Technology, representing a 20% per year increase from...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
August 8, 2024

Best of US Investors

"Reaching for the Stars: How I'm Partnering with Meta and Goldman Sachs to Revolutionize Investing and Achieve My Goals"

As entrepreneurs, we’re often told to dream big, but what does that really mean? For me, it means having the...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
August 7, 2024

Best of US Investors

The Yen Carry Trade Unwind: How the Bank of Japan Sparked Market Chaos

Recent sharp moves in financial markets have left many investors scratching their heads. While it’s tempting to attribute these swings...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
August 5, 2024

Best of US Investors

Nvidia's Blackwell Chip Design Flaw and Potential Solutions: Opportunities for GaN and Photonics Technologies

Nvidia, a leader in graphics processing and AI computing, recently announced a design flaw in its highly anticipated Blackwell chips,...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
August 5, 2024

Best of US Investors

The Democratization of Compute: How Nvidia and Big Tech Are Bringing GPU-Driven Agents to Everyone

In the early 1990s, Bill Gates made a seemingly audacious prediction that one day every household would have a personal...

The Democratization of Compute: How Nvidia and Big Tech Are Bringing GPU-Driven Agents to Everyone
August 4, 2024

Nvidia's Blackwell GPU Delay: A Setback for AI Data Centers

As an industry analyst closely watching the AI hardware space, I was taken aback by recent reports of Nvidia's unexpected delay in rolling out their highly anticipated Blackwell GPU family.

As an industry analyst closely watching the AI hardware space, I was taken aback by recent reports of Nvidia's unexpected...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
August 3, 2024

Best of US Investors

Detailed Analysis of Alphabet Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings Call

Detailed Analysis of Alphabet Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings Call and Future Stock Price Expectations Financial Overview Alphabet reported robust financial...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
August 2, 2024

Best of US Investors

Understanding the 2019 Repo Market Turmoil: Lessons for Investors

As investors, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of financial markets, including those that operate behind the scenes. Today, I...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
August 1, 2024

The Accelerating Pace of Technology Adoption: From Decades to Years

How fast will AI adoption happen?

How fast will AI adoption happen? I’m In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s easy to forget that the lightning-quick adoption...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 28, 2024

Best of US Investors

Ultra Clean Holdings (UCTT) July 25, 2024, Earnings Call Summary

Future Price Projections Participants: Rhonda Bennetto – Senior Vice President, Investor Relations Jim Scholhamer – Chief Executive Officer Sheri Savage...

Ultra Clean Holdings (UCTT) July 25, 2024, Earnings Call Summary
July 26, 2024

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