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Best of US Investors

Ultra Clean Holdings (UCTT) July 25, 2024, Earnings Call Summary

Future Price Projections Participants: Rhonda Bennetto – Senior Vice President, Investor Relations Jim Scholhamer – Chief Executive Officer Sheri Savage...

Ultra Clean Holdings (UCTT) July 25, 2024, Earnings Call Summary
July 26, 2024


Short term, price targets for the top three S&P 500 holdings

Short term, price targets for the top three S&P 500 holdings The following are my price targets for the very...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 25, 2024

Nvidia's Stake in Serve Robotics: A Game-Changer for AI-Powered Delivery?

The tech world was buzzing last week when news broke that AI chip giant Nvidia owns a 10% stake in Serve Robotics, a company specializing in autonomous sidewalk delivery robots.

The tech world was buzzing last week when news broke that AI chip giant Nvidia owns a 10% stake in...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 24, 2024

Best of US Investors

The Commercial Real Estate Crash

Its Ripple Effect on the Banking System and The Stock Market

The commercial real estate market is on the verge of a significant downturn, potentially mirroring the infamous 2008 financial crisis....

The Commercial Real Estate Crash
July 23, 2024

Best of US Investors

The Democratization of Compute

A Paradigm Shift in Business and Investment Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably transformative, poised to revolutionize the world as we...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
July 23, 2024

Are Google and Meta Heading for a Stock Price Slump?

As an investor, it's crucial to keep a keen eye on market trends and potential shifts that could impact major players.

As an investor, it's crucial to keep a keen eye on market trends and potential shifts that could impact major...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 23, 2024

Best of US Investors

Are Google and Meta Heading for a Stock Price Slump?

As an investor, it’s crucial to keep a keen eye on market trends and potential shifts that could impact major...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 23, 2024

Best of US Investors

Become a Multimillionaire with $500 a Month in a Roth IRA

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to become a multimillionaire by investing just $500 a month? It’s not just...

Kerry Grinkmeyer in a suit standing in front of a stock chart with a bull on it

Kerry Grinkmeyer
July 20, 2024

Fundamental to Sustain Life...Food

Opportunities in the food business

Opportunities in the food business I'm surprised I'm writing about a food company. Must be because I'm getting older or...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 19, 2024


Rotation into boring stocks

Rotation into boring stocks Gravity…it always wins. When you through a watermelon off a building, does it go up or...

Trent Grinkmeyer in front of stock market with bull background

Trent Grinkmeyer
July 18, 2024

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