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The Yen Carry Trade Unwind: How the Bank of Japan Sparked Market Chaos

The Yen Carry Trade Unwind: How the Bank of Japan Sparked Market Chaos
August 5, 2024

Recent sharp moves in financial markets have left many investors scratching their heads. While it’s tempting to attribute these swings to changes in the U.S. economic outlook, the real culprit lies across the Pacific: the Bank of Japan.

Last week, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) surprised markets with a larger-than-expected interest rate hike. This move has led to a massive unwinding of the yen carry trade, causing ripple effects throughout global financial markets.

What is the Yen Carry Trade?

The yen carry trade has been a popular strategy among investors for years. It involves borrowing yen at Japan’s ultra-low interest rates and investing that money in higher-yielding assets abroad. This trade has been fueled by the BOJ’s massive balance sheet, which at 127.5% of GDP, dwarfs that of the Federal Reserve.

The Domino Effect

The BOJ’s surprise rate hike has increased the cost of funding for these carry trades, leading to widespread liquidations. Here’s how it’s playing out:

1. Japanese stock market: In just three trading days following the BOJ’s decision, the Japanese stock market crashed by 20% – a more severe drop than even the infamous 1987 crash.

2. Currency markets: The yen has strengthened significantly against the dollar as investors unwind their positions and bring funds back to Japan.

3. U.S. markets: The S&P 500 has seen one of its biggest corrections since the October 2022 bear market low.

4. Global risk-off sentiment: Investors are flocking to safe-haven assets like U.S. Treasuries.

The Fed’s Dilemma

This situation presents a challenge for the Federal Reserve. While there’s pressure to cut rates in response to market turbulence, doing so would further narrow the interest rate spread between the U.S. and Japan, potentially exacerbating the yen carry trade unwind.

Economic Implications

Some are concerned that this financial turmoil could push the U.S. economy into recession. As economist Rudi Dornbusch famously said, “Economic expansions do not die of old age; they are murdered.” Financial shocks like this have the potential to “murder” economic growth.

However, it’s important to note that the U.S. economy has shown resilience in the face of financial stresses before, such as during the Silicon Valley Bank failure in March 2023.

The Bottom Line

While market volatility may persist until the yen carry trade unwind is complete, there’s reason to believe the U.S. economy can weather this storm. As always, investors should stay informed and maintain a long-term perspective during periods of market turbulence.

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References: Jim Bianco @Biancoresearch

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